Saturday, March 7, 2009

Meaningful Quotes...

I was listening to Dionne Warwick one day… singing to the lyrics of the song, ‘I’ll never love this way again’ when it hit me. `A fool will lose tomorrow, reaching back for yesterday’

How nicely put… and it made me think…. Why am I spending time moaning and groaning over what people did to me? Instead, I should be spending my time doing something for myself, today, tomorrow and so on.

It’s funny how so much of self analysis, reasoning and endless excuses can be all made to look so silly with just one sentence. Thinking back, many of these quotes have somehow shaped the way I think… the words of the wise…….. some of them are of Buddhist origin.

Here are some quotes mixed with my interpretation, for you to ponder…….

`You yourselves must strive…. The teachers only show the way’.

Be kind to the helpless, be gentle to the young, be generous to the poor and needy, be respectful to the old, be understanding to the ignorant, be compassionate to your enemies…… for someday, you would have been all of these.

Do not do onto others, what you do not want others to do to you.

Live everyday of your life like it’s your last, for one day, it will come true.

Live your life to the fullest so when time is running short and you prepare for death, you’ll be glad that you have lived.

Let go of your past and your past will let go of you.

Though one may conquer a thousand men in a thousand battles, yet, the most victorious person is one who conquers himself.

When one mistakes the unessential to be essential and the essential to be unessential, dwelling in wrong thoughts, never arrives at the essential.

I do not see a useless old man. I see a man who once toiled to be the breadwinner of his family. I see a man who spent sleepless nights worrying about the welfare of his family. I see a man who has had his glorious days. I see wisdom from the lessons that life has taught him. Thus I do not see an old useless man. I see a man who has earned his right to be treated with love and utmost respect.

I do not see a useless old woman. I see a woman spent months laboring on her pregnancy. I see a woman who spent sleepless nights feeding her babies and caring for them till they could fend for themselves. I see a women who sacrificed for her family and stood by her husband through thick and thin. I see wisdom from all her experiences. Thus I do not see a useless old woman. I see a woman who has earned her right to be treated with love and utmost respect.

Within a stone is fire, if not hit, the sparks will not appear. Within the heart of a person is a Buddha, if not cultivated, it will not appear.

Life is like a highway. Don’t move too fast or too slow. There’s always someone ahead of you and there’s always someone behind you. Just move at a pace you are comfortable with and enjoy the ride

Be thankful that you are in the position to give, than to have to receive.

If you can’t love yourself, don’t expect others to.

Well, that’s a lot of pondering to do for the moment…… when I can remember more, I’ll share it with you guys…….. have a great life!

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