Saturday, May 24, 2008

How Right is Right ?

Yes, singles ask it......... and now, even the married ones too. Can there be only one Mr. or Miss Right ? Or can we have choices ? Hehe!

So, the next question would be........ what constitutes Right ? Some people say it's the love..... `it's like Magic!!!' ..... says one movie. The epic moment when time just stands still. Everything happening in slow motion..... everything else does not matter anymore...... it's just the two of you.

Staring into each other's eyes, tingling sensations all over, pulse racing and this inexplicable ache in the heart, the type that melts you...... and both parties find it hard to resist each other's lips...... The magical moment. Then passion takes over.

Okay..... so, magical moments is one of the factors, not absolutely necessary but it makes the decision much easier. So, what's next ? Looks & physique ? That ties in with the love part. Say, how about $$$ ? Or status ? Does the Right person need to be in a certain income group ?

One girl told me, `As long as he doesn't ask money from me, I guess it doesn't really matter' Another girl told me, `Hello....... who's gonna pay for my lifestyle needs ? The man has to provide!' Another pretty girl told me it's the 5 C's ~ Credit card, car, condo, cash and certs. It's all Madonna's fault!!!

So, the responsibility seems to fall on the men. Okay, what do the guys say ? `It's good to have someone who can contribute to the family income.'

What else ?, this is the tricky one. And usually, the most destructive one. And people usually forget this very crucial factor. When we are in love, we are at our best behaviour, or at least in front of our beloved.

We are kind to old people, we are generous to the poor, we are well-mannered, we are even nice to their brothers and sisters and the many many nosy aunties and uncles and cousins........ and our bad habits seem to have dissipated into thin air. And most of the time, we are willing to turn a blind eye to whatever that may ruin the romance. `Oh..... he's handsome, he's rich and he's a great guy.' Then we get married.

They say, love is blind........ and marriage is the eye-opener..... how true !!! Hahahaha! But of course, if you take the time and make the effort to know the other person, keeping vigilance of your unbiased judgement, it will help you make a wiser decision. But don't let the many many nosy aunties, uncles, etc. affect your decision...... it happens to everyone, including your partner when you introduce your many many aunties and uncles. You are even on that one !!!

I read somewhere..... A good relationship does not require promises, terms and conditions...... just two people who feel wonderful just by being together.

There you have it..... that's the Right one!

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